Porn is such a hotly debated issue so tonight I'm watching "The Price of Pleasure" streaming on Netflix. I like some porn, love Playboy, so let's see how this is...
55 minutes later...
Wow. I should have known from the title how skewed and anti-porn this documentary is. In a nutshell:
Porn is only watched by men
Porn is demeaning to women
Porn exploits women and minorities
Porn ruins relationships
Porn makes all women feel bad about themselves
Porn sexualizes violence against women
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
Once they got into porn making violence against women okay because it embraces violent scenes I almost turned it off. It's like they took every seedy part of the industry and then touched on the BDSM lifestyle to attack a multimillion dollar industry with skewed facts looking at only heterosexual porn aimed at men. They interviewed men and the women they interviewed were either researchers who were trying to find violence against women or were themselves the victims of abuse/broken marriages due to uncommon or abnormal viewing or use of pornography. It just was not objective at all.
Bad documentary, bad. Now go to your room and think of what you've done.
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