Friday, September 14, 2012

The Young One

I know I have been rather absent from this blog, so I  thought today that I would regale those of you that still read with a tale of the past. When my slutdom was in its infancy, when I wanted to take multiple lovers but didn't know where to start, I started in the most natural place to me: the bowling alley. I watched the young men Number 1 interacted with, and found one to my liking. I texted him (Number 1, that is) saying that it would be quite nice to have a 3-way with the young man, when Number 1 confessed that he'd had him over several times, and had blown him. I was shocked that he'd hidden this but turned on. He wanted to make his move as well, so I waited. When the night happened, he had his phone and texted the details to me, and at one point called. I knew every sordid detail that Young One had done to Number one or had done to him, but was sworn to secrecy, lest he be scared off.

I knew I needed him. I still didn't know how to approach him, however, but as it would happen, shortly after his 21st birthday, Young One picked up a tremendously hard split, the 7-10 (here is Mark Roth picking up the 7-10 split if you're curious). I missed seeing it (dammit) since my back was turned, ordering  a beer or something at the snack bar, but I heard the tremendous cheer and word soon got to me that Young One on the Christian League had converted the spare. A few days later, I sent a "you don't know me, but congratulations" message on Facebook:

So you don't know me but I'm sure you've seen me at the bowling center on Thursdays. I just wanted to congratulate you on picking up the 7-10 split a couple of weeks ago. That's an incredible feat to have accomplished so early in your bowling career. I heard they no longer give a patch for that... that sucks hardcore. Best of luck on the next big split pickup. smile
Looking back at the messages, I sent it on my birthday. My 30th birthday. I must have had some liquid courage (and reading further in the messages, I was drinking). Heh. So I got back this:

haha yea it dose suck hard core and i kno who you are
so how you been ? how u been bowling ?
Ah, so we established contact.  We chatted on AIM, and how I wish I had the chat logs for that. I'm sure that night the talk quickly devolved to sex, as is wont to do. It wasn't long after that we started having sex. I made him wear a condom, despite my dislike for them. He was young and inexperienced and I wasn't shy in letting him know I wasn't having orgasms. He fucked like a jackrabbit in a fucking race, hell bent for finish. And aside from Number 1, I gave him probably the best blow jobs he's ever had, and will have.

But you know what? Oral sex was completely one-way with him. He absolutely refused to perform on me what I gave him, staunchly declaring "I don't do that." He had never even tried. So I was sneaky and would slip a finger in and then to his mouth. I found it absolutely ridiculous and was willing to teach him. I was willing to teach him a lot about pleasuring a woman, but his stubborn mulishness about oral sex is ultimately what caused me to be done with him. That, and I got bored of sloppy kisses and the same sex. I still see him every week at bowling, but he's long since given up on trying to get back in my pants.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Trans Teen Acceptance

Tonight I spent some time with Foot Fetish ExBoyfriend and he updated me on things that had gone on, including the fact that no one in the house cared that he was coming to see me tonight. "They have other problems," he said, "Teenage Daughter is at a friend's house. She wants to go to prom with him. She's going through hormone therapy now, and surgery is next year." Now here, he mixed up his pronouns and I got really really confused, thinking that Teenage Daughter, with all her gender-bending in roleplaying and video games was finally taking it to real life. He backtracked to clear it up. Teenage Daughter is aspiring to date a FtM transgendered individual.

"And her parents have a problem with that? Father I can see because he's an ass about that stuff but Mother I wouldn't think, what with Teenage Daughter's sister." (She has an older sister that is a butch lesbian and they are just waiting for the announcement of trans) "They had... higher expectations," he said. "She's already an outcast and bullied at school." "Then she needs to grow a thicker skin," I replied.

Quite frankly, this shows a level of compassion from Teenage Daughter that I was not expecting. She's pretty accepting of most people, but to be 18 or 19 and realizing that you're committing to a life-changing and gender-changing process is huge and scary and exciting, and you need a ton of support. I think especially when you're female to male. I think there's just more stigma to it. So for Teenage Daughter to accept, and love this person for who he is, is a beautiful thing that should be embraced, not something to be disappointed in. Frankly, she was bullied before. She's a passive kid and doesn't defend herself, but it's high school and this is her last year. She'll live. This act of compassion is so much more important. I wish her fucking ignorant piece of shit parents would understand that.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sneaky Sneaky

It has been a very long time since I have written anything of any substance here, and I feel a bit bad, since there are so many hot topics concerning sexuality in the media lately. For now, I'll keep it personal. My last post was a bit self deprecating but the seduction was mutual. My ex Foot Fetish Boyfriend and I have been sneaking about. He isn't ready for a relationship again just yet, but he has been lying to his roommates, making excuses, and sneaking to me to have wonderful, amazing sex.

Why the secrecy? It's hot. There is a huge level of disapproval one of his roommates has for me (for whatever reason, bitter old hag) and this spares judgement, for now. And the ways we might sneak about too, are exciting: we had pondered the possibility of a rendezvous in his back yard but he feared his neighbors would see (let them see! I told him)  and then he said he could sneak me in the back stairway of his house, but only of Old Hag was sleeping and we were quiet (yeah... I have a hard time being quiet). The risk of being caught is thrilling. So far, though, he has only come to me, but that's fine.

I'm a biter and a scratcher and the first time he came to me I left him with a matching set of claw marks down his chest from his shoulders. Luckily for him, he never goes shirtless in front of people, but I have teased, threatened to leave visible marks. He pretends to be horrified but I can tell it turns him on.

For now I can accept the sneaking. It's fun. We know how we feel for each other and I will help him in whatever way I can to understand how he is feeling with other things that are going on outside of us.