Sunday, April 3, 2011

Support Systems

When I first started in on my foray of being the Other Woman, I was awkward, unsure of myself. Like any self-respecting geek, I first turned to the Internet for support. I had an image in my head of the high-class Other Woman, wearing pearls and having fabulous secret luncheons, being cherished and put upon a secret pedestal. Oh, how wrong I was. It was a nice fantasy anyway, and I much prefer diamonds. Scouring the Internet for others like me, I found forums for those who were looking for idealized relationships with the person they were the other woman (or other man) with. Holding out for the day that their lover would leave their spouse and they could ride off into the sunset, tra-la, tra-la.

This was not the type of support I was looking for. I came to the realization that really, being the Other Woman is a lonely existence. It's getting up early and driving to the next town for a booty call, secret texts, yearning and hurt. And you have no one to confide in, because what is your family going to say, other than "what the fuck are you doing?" Bragging is the first step in messing things up, because eventually it will get back to the girlfriend/wife and then you're screwed. Even more so if emotions are involved.

If anyone finds a support forum with people other than wishy-washy hopeless romantics, let me know.

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