Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can we take the scary factor out of female exams?

Today I took my friend out to lunch after shopping and we were talking about the various doctor's visits we'd had within the last week and we discovered that there is way too much mystery surrounding the necessary exams women must have. She, being a Woman of a Certain Age, had her first mammogram today. She's been nervous for a week since her doctor ordered it. Today, she was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was No Big Deal and took about 30 seconds.

I remember my first pap smear. I got it right around 28 years old, and had been told by all the women I knew and TV that it was horrible, painful, traumatic. I put my feet in the stirrups, my doctor inserted the speculum, I felt something and done. And I said to her "that's it?" That was it. That was all.

Why the hell do we do this? Why don't we tell women (or men, for that matter) what to expect in these exams? Why do we shroud it in mystery and fear?  I put off a pap for the longest time because I was terrified. My friend thought the boob-squishing mammogram was going to hurt. Granted, these exams can be uncomfortable. Yes, it can be nerve-wracking to  let a stranger touch you or see you, but we prepare people for what to expect, these vital exams can be a lot more comfortable.

Remember kids, early detection is important.


  1. As someone who has never had to have a pap smear yet, I know where you're coming from. Until I did my own research on the topic, all of those images of women with tightly crossed legs and whispered secrets had me terrified. These procedures need to be talked about more openly. As usual with these things, education is what's needed.

  2. Yeah, my best friend had me convinced I'd be in so much pain. It was seriously nothing. The most painful a pap smear has been for me is this last time and I think it's been from my own sexual dysfunction (and tension) more than anything. My doctor is awesome and usually we talk about random stuff during the exam.
