... Is how visible the cum stains are. Le sigh.
I have a friend with benefits that I've been seeing regularly. Very enthusiastic about oral. Which makes me think... People seem to be all for oral sex or are completely against it. Why of that? I personally love sucking cock. I like the way it feels, like how I can elicit a huge response with a little flick of the tongue. But a lot of women to see it as a chore. In my limited experience, men seem to be much more enthusiastic about oral sex. In fact, of the partners I've had, only one said "no. I don't DO that." Granted, he's young and never tried, but come on! My motto is "don't knock it until you try it."
A mouth on genitals is a whole different experience than hands or even your partner's bits. Giving pleasure to my partner is important, and an enthusiastic mouth in my crotch is rewarded.
Maybe oral is just one of those things that sex partners are afraid to discuss? We are, after all, trained as a society to find our genitals ugly, dirty, and sinful.
Needless to say I had a good night tonight. Notwithstanding, I am having a characteristic bout of insomnia which finds me here, posting from my phone. So. Discuss. Any good articles about oral sex? Anyone? Beuller?
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