For the first time, recently, Foot Fetish Boyfriend experienced for what men is probably a terrifying sight after sex: me crying (not that me crying, in particular, is terrifying, I cry pretty, thankyouverymuch). With alarm, he asked what was wrong while I laughed and cried and batted his concerned hands away.
Yes, folks, at times, even I, the Other Woman, am a post-sex crier. Sex is an emotional thing, you know? That night, it was because I finally felt good enough about myself to actually have and enjoy sex. I used to cry a lot during sex with Number 1 for various reasons. The day after I found out he cheated on me and we had angry sex and he let me scream out all my hate while reclaiming what was mine I cried after. Other times I cried because it was that good. Sometimes I cried because I knew it could only ever be an affair and never a relationship again. Particularly with him, it brought out mixed emotions of loathing myself for going back time and time again, jealousy, and loving him. Sex just seems to bring all that shit to the surface.
I only cry with the ones I'm emotionally invested in. I never cried after sex with the Married One or the Young One (oh, haven't written about him!), only the ones I care about. The ones I get into relationships with.
I'm not sure what sparked the inspiration for this. I was actually browsing through Women Who Stray looking for some interesting psychological articles to write about but all of a sudden this came to my head. And I tell you what... I couldn't find shit to listen to while writing. *disgruntled*
Anyway, are you a sex crier?
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